
Deep Paint -Blender 3D Model & Paint tool Set

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Deep Paint -Blender 3D Model & Paint tool Set

64 ratings

Deep Paint v1.2.6

Last update 02/02/25

Deep Paint Addon is the user friendly Blender tool set allows you to model and paint in 3D, using Grease Pencil to create stylized 3D illustrations.

Requirement: Blender 3.6 + (Blender 4.1 is recommended)
works in Eevee only
Support for Blender 4.3 (not recommended) now but still fixing some

GPL license

ディープペイント はBlenderのアドオンです。グリースペンシルを使ってモデリングやペイントをし、3Dイラスト、立体絵画を簡単に制作するワークフローが可能なツールセットです。

Please check for the updates from here

Documentation https://gakutada.com/dp-en/

日本語解説書 https://gakutada.com/DP/

Initial setup for lighting 初期設定 ENG JPN
Tree making Tutorial
more tutorial is on the way..

Deep Paint Standard -- You will get every tools except for texture, utility, render settings. テクスチャー、ユーティリティー、レンダー設定を除いたツールが使用可能。

Deep Paint Pro -- You will get all the tools. 全てのツールが使用可能。

Deep Paint Pro Studio -- For Production use for multi license プロダクションなど法人複数ライセンス使用向け。

GP to Mesh

Quick building mesh from Grease Pencil stroke, also GP to curve, fill mesh, line mesh and more.


Quick Modifier

Applies modifier instantly without leaving history for quick organic modeling.


You can create these hand paint like model with Grease Pencil and with the tools.


Custom Grease Pencil Brushes

Brings some custom grease pencil brushes with custom pop up window.


DPM and Outline

Easy apply for useful default deep paint material which is vertex paint based stylized shader. Also easy outline button. (works only for Eevee)


Custom Texture Paint Brushes (pro)

Custom brushes for texture paint, include such as Water Color, Pastel, Air Brush, etc. (this tool is for DP pro)


Easy access and manage data in paint mode

With RMB when in vertex or texture or weight paint mode, you can access to data and add node to materials easily.


Material Presets

There are several useful material presets, for example noise texture mix with vertex mask (no need UV). Edge blur, Shadow only, etc..


Utility (pro)

From utility, you can use "tree gen" and "vine gen" to populate assets such as tree and flowers as instance easily and tweak from surface or curves. Also from "camera rig" to create camera path quickly. Some other utility such as "sky paint" for useful tool to create stylized images.

ユーティリティの "tree gen" や "vine gen"から木や花などアセットを面や線から簡単に生やすことができます。またカメラリグを読み込みパスアニメなどを素早く設定。その他”sky paint"で背景をペイントしたりなどイラストを作成する際に便利なツールがあります。

Student works from workshop using Deep Paint 生徒作品

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